Writing a book isn’t an easy task, but with the right motivation, tools and support, the sky is the limit. With dedication and passion, a writer can create a masterpiece. Writing a book entails three necessary steps: how to get started, how to do the actual work, and how to get it sold to the market.
The complete process is not relatively simple and easy, but follow the simple steps below and see how you can turn your vision into a reality.
Step 1: Initial Process
It is often said that you don’t have to be great to start, but you just have to start to be great. For the most part, however, getting started is the hardest part. Only once you take the plunge will the process go smoother.
- Decide what the book will be: There’s a vast of topics to write about. The first thing to consider is what subject you’d like to tackle. This has to spring from your inner core – what you’re interested in and what you’re passionate about.
- Set a daily target for word count: Know that writing is a tedious task. The best way to go around this is to come up with a daily goal. You have to be specific on this goal so that you can get the work done. For instance, you can set a target to finish a page a day with about 300 words.
- Set a time to write daily: Writing hours are very crucial to your writing endeavour and the success of your book. You have to allot a specific working hour for writing your book. Make sure the hours are where you are most creative.
Step 2: Actual Work
Planning is one thing, and pulling off the actual work is another. Now that you have set your writing goals, the next thing to consider is the actual work. Here’s what you need to do:
- Set a total word count: Always begin with the end in mind. You will need a total word count for your book. Make sure to break each chapter into roughly equal lengths to be able to pull off the work.
- Make deadlines: It’s best if you come up with realistic and manageable deadlines, be it weekly or monthly, and try your very best to beat the set deadlines. Celebrate the progress you’ve made while still being honest about how much work is left to do.
- Get early feedback: Constant feedback will always make a difference in your result. However, it’s best to get feedback from a few trusted advisers to help you discern what’s worth writing. Consult your friends, family, or editors.
Step 3: Work Completion
Even when you’re done with the actual writing, it’ll be much harder to have your book sold. Consider the following steps:
- Find distribution: This is a crucial step to get it into the market. Send it to a publisher, or self-release it on Amazon, and do whatever it takes to get your book in front of people and read.
- Be open to failure: More often than not, you’ll be faced with rejection. Getting rejected when you have written a book is a common occurrence in this industry, especially when just starting. Remember that the great JK Rowling was denied multiple times before getting her novels out in the market. Cliché as it may seem, be open to failure and try until you succeed.
- Write another book: Keep in mind that your first book may not be your best, but this does not mean it has to be your last. To help you find your style and better your writing abilities, continue to write another book so you can become the writer you always wanted to be.
Writing a book can be such a fulfilment, particularly if you make this dream into a reality. You will eventually finish writing a book and have this masterpiece reach the hands of your potential readers. What a great achievement that will be! For the most part, however, remember not to stop writing.